
The Benefits of Partnering with Your Local ISP for Fibre Broadband

We’ve all heard the slogan ‘shop local’ but have you ever thought that this might apply to businesses rather than just consumers? As the world expands, businesses are often led to believe that partnering with the biggest company will work in their favour, but when it comes to your internet service provider (ISPs), the opposite is true.

Partnering with your local internet service provider (ISP) is the ultimate way to ensure you’re getting the most from your business connectivity. Whether your business is in the public sector, manufacturing, or you’re an expanding SME, one of the smartest moves you can make is finding your local ISP and partnering with them. Here’s why…

Community Knowledge

The primary benefit of partnering with your local ISP for your fibre broadband is that they know and understand your community just as well as your business does. They’re a local business and they want the local economy and your business to do well, because ultimately when the community does well, they do well too.

It’s this investment in a community that gives local ISPs the edge over bigger businesses. Whether it’s knowing where your business is situated just by the street name or having background knowledge on the connectivity issues in your area, local ISPs know how your community operates, what it needs, and how to get things done.


A Helping Hand

A local internet service provider can also mean convenience for your business. Having a corner shop close to your business is handy for the milk run and having your ISP close is handy for a connection crisis.

Response times for large ISPs can be drawn out as they scramble to find an engineer to head to your area. And if your business is classed as rural, you may already know that these wait times can be less than reasonable. Whereas your local ISP is just that, local! They’re close by when you need them most and they’re ready to support you and your business needs.

Community help

Personal Customer Service

The romanticised view of community spirit does exist but maybe in a slightly different way than how the films portray it. The 21st-century community spirit is more about your postman knowing where to store your parcels when you’re not in the office or being on first-name terms with your local ISP.

As business leaders, you’ll know the importance of providing great customer service, and so does your ISP. They want to get to know you, they want to know your business to do well, and they want to support you as a business supporting the community.

Your Success is Their Success

As members of your local community, your local ISP wants to see your business succeed for two reasons. Firstly, when your business succeeds, many people in your community do too. You employ people and provide disposable income which further boosts your local economy, keeping more people in stable jobs.

Secondly, when your business does well, you help them to succeed too. They can provide you with the best fibre broadband deals and support to ensure your future growth, while you provide them with business and ensure their future growth.

Fibre Optic

ISPs and Fibre Broadband

Supporting local businesses is the ultimate way to ensure your community thrives. But local ISPs can often be the hidden businesses that lose out to national competitors. We already know they can provide you with a service that not only benefits your business but their business too. Finding your local ISP could be the hack you need to ensure your internet connection is playing a key role in your growth.

Now more than ever, local ISPs will be waiting to help businesses make the switch to fibre broadband. The 2025 Switch Off and the fibre roll-out (discover more about the 2025 Switch Off here) are huge changes for both businesses and ISPs, and it’s the ideal opportunity to support your ISP.

Switching to fibre broadband will allow businesses access to faster internet speeds, a more reliable connection, and better scalability, meaning more innovation, more growth, and more success for businesses like yours. The Switch Off can seem quite daunting, so having an ISP that businesses know and can easily get in touch with will massively smooth this transition.

At Microtalk, we work on a local basis and already offer packages to communities in Manchester and London. We also offer Unified Communications (UC) packages to make your business switch to fibre even more seamless and simple in the long run.

Businesses that want to discover more about Microtalk’s local fibre broadband and UC offering are invited to contact us at or call us at 0203 630 1100.

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